
A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture is the result of nine years of work by a group of scholars who believed that biblical learning must be integrated with traditional Christianity if it was to bear any spiritual message or fruit for modern society. Their endeavor was to sum up the results of recent international scholarship, and to put them at the disposal not only of Catholics but also of...

may denote ‘the combined sum of the perfections which constitute the divine essence: in other words, divinity itself’. (Prat I, 295). Cf. 2:9. Moreover, Christ possesses this fullness in permanent fashion (κατοικεῖν, DV ‘dwell’). This verse provides the ultimate reason for Christ’s sovereignty over all things. § b 20–23 Christ’s Work: Reconciliation—St Paul has described the Person of Christ: he is the image of the invisible God (1:15), Creator (1:16–17); sovereign over the universe and supreme
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